The image of love in domestic philosophy of culture


  • Angelina Yu. Dmitrichuk Belgorod Institute for Educational Development


image of love, sexual love, marriage love, the tragedy of love, antinomy of love


Transformation processes in society such as the devaluation of moral values, the liberalization of sexual morality dictate the need to search for ways of spiritual rehabilitation and appeal to the concept of love. The purpose of the study is to identify philosophical-anthropological and philosophical-cultural features of the formation of the image of love in the Russian philosophy of culture. The author analyzes the problem of love in the creative heritage of S.N. Bulgakov, P.A. Florensky, V.S. Solovyov, I.S. Turgenev based on the comparative and historical principles of cognition, as well as philosophical-anthropological and philosophical-cultural approaches. According to the study two directions were highlighted: the first continues the ideas of V.S. Soloviev, the second – those of P.A. Florensky. It was revealed that the image of love in the depiction of I.S. Turgenev and S.N. Bulgakov was antonymous and ambivalent. The similarities are named in the understanding of love by I.S. Turgenev and V.S. Solovyov: the need to forget about oneself, to go beyond one's own phenomenal existence into the sphere of another. The conclusions were drawn that Russian philosophers, thinkers and writers interpreted the image of love in the unity of universal and religious principles, depicting love in many ways: as a high, unearthly feeling, the quintessence of the divine; as a soul-sensual dominant. In the late XIX – early XX centuries the traditional normative concept of love prevailed in Russia but the trends in the transformation of both the image of love and family began to appear.


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Author Biography

Angelina Yu. Dmitrichuk, Belgorod Institute for Educational Development

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management of General and Vocational Education, Belgorod Institute for Educational Development,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Dmitrichuk, A. Y. (2021). The image of love in domestic philosophy of culture. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(1), 81-88. Retrieved from



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