Analysis of aesthetic emotion
aesthetic, emotional sphere, aesthetic emotion, art, model of the present, model of the probable future, model of the desired futureAbstract
The authors investigate the "problem of the aesthetic" and analyze the conditions for the emergence and specific features of such a still poorly studied emotional reaction of a person, which is designated by the term "aesthetic emotion" (or synonymous: "aesthetic feeling", "aesthetic consciousness", "aesthetic reaction"). Historical, philosophical, and cultural approaches to solving the "problem of the aesthetic" are considered, and their low fruitfulness in terms of clarifying the specifics of the phenomenon of aesthetic emotion is noted. It is suggested that an approach from the standpoint of the modern level of development of human sciences, in particular the information theory of emotions and modern cognitology, can bring a significant progress in understanding the phenomenon of aesthetic emotion, which is implemented in this article. On the basis of modern scientific ideas about the nature of the origin and flow of emotions, an innovative vision of a special aesthetic emotion is built and the validity of this vision is proved.
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