The genesis of Hegel’s philosophical system
Hegel Studies, “Phenomenology of the Mind”, “Faith and Knowledge”, “Jena Real Philosophy”, activity, labour, Hegelian system, transcendentalism, dialectics, historical approachAbstract
The authors consider that modern Hegelian studies make a mistake when they isolate the issue of structure of Hegel’s philosophy from its historical origin. The dominant phenomenological and hermeneutical interpretations of Hegel’s early works are contrasted with their Marxist understanding, which makes it possible to find a kind of “philosophy of labour” already in his Jena “Real Philosophy”. It is shown that the theme of labour and the political economy stance do not disappear in “Phenomenology of Mind” and even in “Philosophy of History” and “Philosophy of Right”. The authors consider to be wrong the transcendental approach to Hegel’s system when the context of the formation of its subject matter, that is the real history of the development of productive forces of the individual and society, is ignored.
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